You deserve the best

3 min readSep 12, 2020



Religion is a path to become spiritual. Spirituality is different from Religion. You may not believe in any form of God, yet be spiritual. The spiritual being is an existential being, it feels the throbbing of life happening inside and outside itself.

We have limited time and limited resources in an unlimited universe.

God is like a mirage on the other end of the horizon. We keep looking distant, empty-eyed, trying to catch a glimpse of what lies beyond this reality. Hoping that maybe, the sky would crack and reveal a secret about the mystery that makes this universe so majestic.

Drop ideals. Sometimes we are weak, broken, disappointed; at times we are strong, powerful. Either way, you are just the way Nature intended you to be.

Stop looking for answers, stop asking questions that the mind cannot comprehend. The mind is limited by the boundaries of the physical reality we witness, it known nothing beyond. Rather experience fully what you see, hear, touch and taste. It can’t get more human than that.

Why seek a God when your very experience of the world around is such a vast mystery. Open yourself and for a few minutes, just absorb the atmosphere around you. Listen to the ocean, look at a tree, touch a leaf and taste an orange — do only that and nothing else. And if you truly can, you’ll feel that mystery within you.

Silence is as powerful as noise. You cannot hear anything outside if you’re noisy on the inside. Silence yourself and you’ll hear much more than you possibly imagine.

We want an ideal home, an ideal spouse, an ideal job, an ideal life. Where has the ideal come from ?

An ideal is static, frozen and illusionary. It is like a rumor that keeps spreading from one person to the next eventually becoming a thing of its own that never really existed, except in the cloud of gossip created by the crowd.

God has been made an ideal. Superheroes are ideals. A Statue looks ideal. Man is always seeking and trying to become an ideal. Soul searching is a popular buzzword. Wonder if someone has found it.

Human conscience is the greatest mystery there is. Witness it, observe it and listen to it. All the answers you seek is within your conscience. No religion, no Book and no Guru can release you from your happiness or misery. Your conscience is your true messiah. You are unique, your conscience knows it.

To fight with yourself is really an argument with your ideal. You can’t win because you’re fighting a shadow created by your mind. Learn to ignore it, then comes bliss, which explains why Ignorance is Bliss.

When the music plays, and your body moves. Let it; there is no ideal way to dance. When the sun shines and a tune comes to your head, sing it; there is no ideal way to sing.

Intellect is natural. We are born observers, that’s how we developed intelligence. If you’re not knowledgeable in something, it means your conscience has other plans for you. It doesn’t mean you’re born stupid. The ideal that only a blessed few are intelligent, is stupid.

Once you witness the stream of mental chatter that harass you about ideals, gradually let them go. You won’t compare yourself with the world around you. You won’t feel miserable imagining that the rest of the world is better than you. You won’t try to set a mental standard and then punish yourself when it doesn’t materialize.

That realization is an awakening towards the difference between I and the Self.

Thanks for Reading.

