Science, Religion, Philosophy, Spirituality

3 min readJun 10, 2023


The search defines you

Religion skips the Question
Science attempts the Question
Philosophy questions the Question
Spirituality eliminates the Question

The Question is Purpose

We grow up searching for a purpose that adds meaning to life. It is this quest that blinds you, strange as it seems, because we search for the question and then for its answer. As if we need a question to fill the void within.

Every Religion pretty much says the same thing, you’re not enough. So when you turn to Religion asking for purpose, it scoffs at you; instead it tells you to have faith. You ask how to build faith and it points out all your shortcomings and advises to cleanse yourself, probably then, hopefully in the next life you would have earned the merit to receive faith. You now have a purpose, begin this journey of cleansing yourself — mentally, emotionally, psychologically only to realise that your life went by fixing something you can’t comprehend for no fault of yours. And to that it has an answer too. Karma.

If Science were a wine glass then Nature is the bar-tender, it just keeps filling it up and you go on drinking. Every time you empty the glass, Nature is ready with the next refill. Science is forever thirsty. It keeps trying to explain everything however it is only a torch, you wield the flame. Science has an answer for all your questions. Simply ask. Its a relentless answering machine. It exists because of your questions. Ask for your purpose and Science gently walks you to an ocean full of questions. Dive in.

Infinity is a mirror. You can experience this recursion by questioning yourself, and the mind gives you an answer. Then you ask another one and the game continues. Philosophy is interesting because you firmly believe you’re getting somewhere, one question raises two more. You feel kicked that some of your questions don’t have answers. Combine it with Science and you have an immersive ego-centric experience. It’s easy to forget that you were the Mirror all along. Mirror, mirror on the wall. Not quite.

A moment will arrive when you drop the role playing and grow tired of searching. The face in the mirror looks no different from a cloud in the sky. Randomness is entwined in everything. You start to embrace uncertainty and gradually your mind falls silent. The question dissolves on its own accord. The same purpose seems meaningless, you’ve arrived. Nature is inside and outside. You experience Life and Death in the same vein and Time merely as a fragment of your mind watching things change, the rise and fall of a wave.

Religion, Science and Philosophy thrive on the definition of Purpose within a Time capsule. This often creates a state of schizophrenia where you’re trying to create a worthwhile existence that appeases these divergent internal voices.

To acknowledge the distortion created by your mind’s perception of Time is Spirituality.

Purpose ought to have a new definition. To be and not to be.

Thanks for reading.

